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Web Services.

. . . A web site projects a positive image with a professional look. It will help distinguish your business from your competition.

. . . A web site explains what your business can do by highlighting your services or products.

. . . A web site serves as a 24-hour a day selling device when people request information about your business. It's far less expensive than an outside sales call.

. . . Dollar for dollar, a web site can be the MOST EFFECTIVE way to promote your business!

We Offer:

Web site design and consultation. You provide us with the basic information about your business and tell us what kind of audience you'd like to reach. We'll do the rest.

In a short period of time, we'll write and layout your site, add graphics and get you posted on the world wide web.

How does it work? We'll help you determine your best domain name, hosting options and put the myriad of computer terms into plain English so you can make informed decisions about your site.

Already have a web site? We can work with you on your existing site for updates, layout improvements . . . or to help you take advantage of the newest "bells and whistles."